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The Fix My Insurance Agency Podcast

Jul 8, 2021

Do you know that almost all of your preferred insurance customer data is handled by one insuretech company?

Ask any independent agent if they have heard of IVANS, and they will undoubtedly say yes.

In fact, most will tell you they have an IVANS account.

But, if you ask them how IVANS operates?

Where the IVANS connectivity with carriers, agency management systems, and agencies is headed in the next 12 months?

And, how an agent can maximize their book growth by leveraging IVANS data, you will often get a blank stare.

This interview between two insurance industry powerhouses, Reid Holzworth, CEO of IVANS, and Dr. Billy R. Williams, President of the Williams Family Investment Group and Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring, takes a deep dive into how IVANS is opening the customer data pipeline that many agents have craved for years.

Whether you are a carrier, agency management system provider, or function within an insurance agency, you will benefit from this interview.